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मोटापा कैसे कम करें.....? ( HOW TO REDUCE OBESITY.....? )

मोटापा क्या है....? (What is Obesity ...?)
When a person's body weight increases than normal is called   obesity.The amount of calories you eat each day.when your body is   not able to spend so much each day, the extra calorie stomach in   your body begins to accumulate, leading to weight gain.

मोटे होने का करण ( Obesity Cause )
The amount of fat in the body of people who sleep or rest after a meal is gradually increased. He as well as misfood turn out to grow fat.Some people prefer to eat outher food more this much Fried more roast that their body Increases the fat.

 वजन कम करने के घरेलू नुस्खे...(Home Remedies For Obesity Weight Loss)...

वजन कम करने के लिए करें अदरक और शहद का प्रयोग( Use ginger and honey to lose weight )
30 ml of ginger juice mixed with two tablespoons of honey burns extra fat by increasing body metabolism. ginger also eliminates our appetite more problem.Ginger also corrects our digestion.Take care to do this in the morning on an empty stomach and at night before going to sleep.Have to take a little bit like this. don't take much.

वजन घटाने के लिए नींबू और शहद का प्रयोग
( Lemon and honey use for weight loss )

Squeeze a lemon into a glass of warm water and drink it with a spoon of honey in the morning empty stomach a day. Lemon contains an element called ascorbic acid which reduces our body fat and removes toxins from our body. 

वजन घटाने में आंवला लाभदायक ( Amla beneficial in weight loss )
it contains vitamin c, which is a great antioxidant. It removes toxins in the body, it helps to increase metabolism and stop calories, and keeps our body's immune system right. To lose weight, we should consume amla every day, or if you want, you can make amla pickle or taste gourd and serve it with your diet.

For weight loss, eat lukewarm water in the morning and as you rise in the morning, squeeze out a lemon into warm water, which will slowly help you lose weight.

To lose weight, don't use too much bread in the morning and two roti in the evening and some rice, as bread has more carbohydrates that can make your body fat, you can eat cucumbers that will fill our body with water.
We have to use protein-rich foods. We don't have to eat too much fat. He should do exercise as well as time morning.

ग्रीन टी ( Green Tea )
Drinking green tea helps maintain digestion power well as well as lose our body weight. we must drink at least green tea twice a day.

We should use as much green vegetables in our diet as green vegetables have high water content to protect our body from dehydrate.

Include a diet of protein in your diet. Like eggs, fish,Lentils, beans, Curd etc.Talking about how to lose weight, this includes eating time. Have dinner before 8:00 in the evening, at least two hours before bedtime to give your meal time to digest. Let that be your arbiter.

नाश्ता है जरूरी ( Breakfast is important )
 Talk about home remedies for losing weight. Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. Many people don't over-value breakfast and don't think it's necessary to eat breakfast more often due to lack of time. However, it's not a good idea, that hunger increases until lunch, which can cause them to become more attracted to what they want and more to eat. This kills the appetite, but increases the risk of becoming fat. Moreover, avoiding breakfast can cause the body to be energy - stricken and lethargy for the entire day. So don't skip breakfast and include healthy snacks. Not just skip breakfast, but not one of three important miles a day, because dieting doesn't mean you need to skip a meal. Dieting means eating a healthy, balanced diet.

Note:- Make sure to exercise daily. So that your body will be healthy and you will feel refreshed.


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